Wednesday 10 May 2017

Some Tips for Improving Kettlebell Snatch Technique

These videos are designed for those who have the fundamentals of the kettlebell snatch under control but could do with a bit of polishing.  It’s worth going back over swings to ensure everything is set up correctly for a good snatch rep (what happens in the backswing has a huge impact on what happens overhead).
These videos will take you through the basics of using rotational energy in the snatch, to make your kettlebell snatches stronger and more efficient.
There are some drills in the last video that are very helpful for implementing any changes you may need in your snatch technique.

This video of Fedorenko shows how his shoulders rotate during the snatch (lifting shoulder forward on the backswing, back on the upswing, and coming forward again to catch the bell in OH lockout). This makes for a very powerful snatch.

Reference :

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